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There was a pair in a country

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lina. Lina was very kind and curious. One evening, while walking in her garden, she noticed a tiny fairy sitting on a flower, crying. The fairy was so small that at first, Lina thought it was just a flower petal. Lina asked, "Why are you crying, little fairy?" The fairy, with a tearful voice, replied, "I’ve lost my magical wings. Without them, I can’t fly, and I can’t return to my kingdom." Lina said, "I’ll help you, but can you tell me where you lost them?" The fairy answered, "This morning, I came to this garden and was playing among the flowers. That’s when my wings must have fallen off somewhere." Lina took the fairy's hand and said, "Let’s search for them together." They searched the entire garden, looking among the flowers, under the leaves, and even between the garden stones. Finally, in a corner of the garden, Lina spotted a piece of silk-like material hidden away. Lina asked, "Is this your wing?" The fairy jumped with joy, "Yes, yes! This is my wing!" Lina carefully picked up the wing and attached it to the fairy's back. Slowly, the fairy spread her wings and began to fly. A smile returned to her face. "Thank you so much for your help, Lina," said the fairy. "For your kindness, I want to give you a special gift." With that, the fairy waved her tiny magic wand, and a bright flower appeared in Lina’s hand. The fairy said, "This is a magical flower. Whenever you are in trouble or need help, this flower will guide you." Then the fairy vanished into the air, leaving Lina with the magical flower. From that day on, Lina’s life was filled with happiness because she had the magical flower given by the fairy, which always helped her whenever she needed it.

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