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The story of the great king

Once upon a time, there was a king named Vikram. He was a just and beloved ruler, and his kingdom was a place of peace and prosperity. However, despite his success, King Vikram always felt an odd emptiness inside. He constantly wondered how he could make his kingdom even better and more prosperous. One day, King Vikram met an old sage who was wise and farsighted. The king asked him, “Guruji, my kingdom is happy, but I always feel a sense of emptiness. How can I become an even better ruler?” The sage smiled gently and said, “O King, a true ruler governs not only through laws and orders but also through the hearts and minds of the people. If your subjects love and respect you, your rule will be successful. But to earn their love, you must first show them your love and trust.” King Vikram asked, “But Guruji, how do I do that?” The sage replied, “Go among your people, listen to their problems, talk to them, and try to understand their lives. Take measures to meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Be a king, but also be one of them.” Taking this advice to heart, King Vikram began to move quietly among his subjects. He sat with them, shared their meals, observed their work, and listened to their daily lives. He realized that his subjects didn’t just obey orders—they lived for love and respect. Gradually, King Vikram started to reach deep into the hearts of his people. They began to see him as one of their own family members, and their love and respect for him grew. Under his reign, the kingdom became even more peaceful and prosperous. In this way, King Vikram learned that true rulership is about ruling the hearts of people, and this can be achieved through love, respect, and humanity.

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